Dreams will come true


"If you can arrive at Gandhara, what dream will you wish?"


I always think about that thing until the first time I sung "Gandhara". Go to Gandhara..it means "dream come true". What should I do to come true the dream? Today, I'll tell important things to come true the dream. I found that things through my MP life.


First is "believe".


Believe my company. Believe my power. And believe my dream.It is absolutely certain that my dream will comes true. It's also the keyword of the story of "The Magic Monkey".


In every Rh, sometimes I worry about I really can make a good stage in this condition, and sometimes I can't do anything. But I think that believe our success reads us to great performance.


Second is "love".


MP15 has almost a hundret people, so I coudn't understand some of member's thinking. But it's natural that each one have different thinking and personality. I started accept everyone. Not "He/She is different from me, so I can't understand.", but "He/She is different from me, so it's interesting!". Soon, I love that person and all of MP members!!


MP's cheer has that words "Love, Accept". I always take care for that words.  I think if we accept and love someone, we can be positive for everything.


Third is "be brave".


My instrument is synthesizer, and usually I have to think about sounds I'll use each of songs. And sometime I also have to make a little arrange. To be honest, I don't have any confidence in my sense of arrange. When I played my arrange in LM's Rh, I needed a lot of bravery. But after I played, everyone gave me important advices, and our music became better than before!


If we wanna change condition better than now, we have to jump in with bravery. If we regret, a regret what we did is better than a regret what we didn't.


Through MP, I found dreams that I really wanna come true. But I have a lot of trials to come true. I'm just fighting with a trial. But I'll come true my dream with a means that I got in MP!!!




By the way, I have two dreams.

First is make a great stage with my precious company.

Second is ................secret!!!!! lol


I'm really sorry but my English is terrible. lol But thank you for reading!!!

For MP15 members



We have only one week!! I can't believe!! So let's do it together!!!

I really miss everyone... If you have time, let's talk with me a lot!!!


Live Musician(synthesizer)/みなこ