Let's Make Atmosphere

Hi, I'm Yurika! I'm a cast. Now I'm so tired and sleepy because of 3rd run through today, so I'll write this very briefly.


To be honest, I felt our performance is getting better than last time! Maybe we're getting used to it. However, we still have many things to do.


Yoko Narahashi came to see our performance and gave us meaningful message today. She said, "make atmosphere more!!" "Don't try to show, but be the character!!!" These are really important things for us.


Tomorrow we have technical rehearsal. This means we will perform with staff members!! It's a very important opportunity, so let's concentrate with everyone and aim to "be the character","make atmosphere" more!!

明日はスタッフと一緒にテクリハ(本番の会場での練習)です!とても重要なチャンスなので、みんなで集中してmagic monkey の世界を作ろう!!