After the camp




Hello. I am Monaka.

As I came back to my home town with a carry case after the camp, I found the rape blossoms along the rail road are bloomed and they turned the road yellow. Spring has come while being away for a while.


合宿はいろいろ学べて楽しかったです。才能と情熱にあふれる人々に囲まれて、一瞬一瞬刺激を受けていました。初めてのランスルーが何とか終わりましたが、思い返してみると、劇は本当にいろいろな人の力が組み合わさって出来ているものなのだなあと思います。メイコスやセッピーライティング、サウンド、それからヘッズの皆さんそれぞれの活動にはとてもインスパイアされました。スタッフの発表の時間に、彼らの作ったデザインの発表をみたり、音を聞いたりしました。それ以外の時間にもみんなが話し合いをしていたり、何かを作っているのを見かけました。 みんな、ありがとうございます。ランスルーで、MP15の劇としてのMAGIC MONKEYはスタート地点に立ったわけですが、これから、劇がどう成長してゆくか楽しみです、一緒にもっとよくしていこう、おー!


Through the camp I could learn many things. Surrounded by many talented people I was inspired in each moment. Our first run through has worked out.  Reconsidering it, a drama is supported by a lot of people. I was strongly inspired by each activities of Ma&Cos, Set&Pro, Lighting, sound, and Heads. In the Presentation by stuff, I could see the designs of costumes and setting, hear sounds. In other time, I saw they are discussing, making something.

After the run through, we reached the start line of the drama Magic Monkey. I am really looking forward to how the drama grow from now. Let’s make it better day by day!  Whooo!



The facility we stayed was so nice!  Good bath, sound food, Japanese style room, piano…. I could feel at home for busy schedule thanks to these nice things.

In every morning, a man has made pan cake and French toast for us. I felt like taking my hat off to him. I wanna meet him again someday!