So We Live

すべての始まりは3年前の5月、まだ上京したてで右も左もわからないころに観たとある英語劇だった。公演名は「Here we are」(原題 Our Town)。正直英語の方はさっぱりなのだが、その時に感じた衝撃は想像を超えていたものだったのかもしれない。生きることの意味、ありふれた日常の大切さ、そして死。この作品の一つ一つに込められたメッセージが、まさに自分が4年前に経験したあの瞬間に重なっているような気がしていた。

Everything started on March 8th, three years ago. Just after I started to live in Tokyo, I couldn't make up my mind at that time. The title was ''Here we are''(Our town). Actually, I couldn't understand what they said. However, the impact I felt out of this story was beyond my imagination. Meanings of life, the importance of ordinary day, and death. The messages of them corresponded my experience, four years ago.


That day, in the shaking, I really felt death. I have thought the meanings of life since the disaster crashed, but I'm just around 20 years old and greenhorn. It might take long to answer...


Maybe what I notice is... 


"Ordinary Miracle''



Meet and talk with someone in daily life. If we think it is very special...

Look up and see the sky and star, listen to the warbling. If we feel Miracle from them...



自分自身、全く考えていなかったことでした。このことを気付かせてくれるきっかけとなった出来事こそ、震災と、「Here We Are」なのでしょう。

I didn't think of it at all. This earthquake and 「Here we are」made me notice it. 


BTW, now we take it for granted that we make a circle in morning, have rehearsal, cheer. Notwithstanding, I can I say...this is precious, because almost all of one hundred students gather at one place and effort towards our goal!!! How wonderful it is!!!


So, I want to cherish every moment happen in this MP. I know it is difficult. As Masumi said, it's easy to sad, the important thing is how we progress. Sometimes I also disappoint to myself and be negative. Do you have that kind of experience? So, it is for me too, I hope this day will be the chance to remember the thought-PROGRESS!!



Finally, Sarah, thank you to take this opportunity.

And, I want to say this word just before my death!!




If you know MP13 or MP14, you might notice I write blog on this day. This is the last time, I hope this pray continues on next generation.


コメント: 1
  • #1

    nao (土曜日, 14 3月 2015 01:41)

    I made mistake...not March 8th. That day was May 12th.